Mon - Fri: 9am to 5pm

Tactile Paving System

The tactile paving system is an ideal solution for people with vision problems as it facilitates access to transport or buildings. Thanks to its high tactile and visual contrast, it is immediately identifiable. Tactile indicators should be installed to provide guidance and warning of any obstruction or hazard present in the area.

Warning tactile indicators

Textured surface features applied to the walking surfaces, alert pedestrians about hazards in ther line of travel indicating them to stop so they can determine the nature of the hazard.

Directional tactile indicators

Textured surface features consisting of directional bars applied to the walking surfaces, help pedestrians to navigate in open spaces.

Our services


We offer a range of architectural solutions and assistance on special projects that turn any building into an accessible site.


We make your space an inclusive place. We develop tactile paving solutions, accessible construction, signage, among other products.


Our qualified workforce have carried out projects in Mexico and abroad.

The best suited tactile indicators for your project!

We offer tactile indicators made of a variety of materials that comply with the american standards and requirements.

TJOY Guiding Plate

Guiding plates made of polyvinyl with guiding strips and surface with opposite potrusions.

TPASO Signal Plate

Signal plates made of polyvinyl with warning studs in the shape of trucated cone with opposite potrusions.

TWALK Warning Plate

Warning plates made of polyvinyl with warning studs in the shape of trucated cone with opposite potrusions.

PVC SG Guiding Strips

Guiding strips made of polyvinyl, surface with opposite protrusions.

Choose the installation method that better suits the surface and environmental conditions of your project.

Want to know more?

Talk with our sales team

Looking for more information or need advisory to choose the best suited tactile indicators for your project?. Submit your information and a Braille America representative will follow up with you as soon as possible

We have collaborated in the construction of accessible spaces for some of the most important companies and institutions of Mexico and abroad